Saturday, August 30, 2014


"We've actually experimented with prepaid vs postpaid meals in our restaurant. The verdict? Upfront payment increased table turnover by over 80 %.
The difference is that customers who haven't paid can justify their occupation of a table. They surf facebook. They chat away for hours on end. They get comfy. It matters not whether they intend to order more stuff, the mere possibility of them ordering more gives them the moral upper hand. 
Customers who have paid up on the other hand, do not have moral justification. They could order more food, but diminishing marginal utility and inertia discourages that act. They get edgy. They feel guilty. They leave."

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Facebook: Estado da Arte

Julia Louis-Dreyfus tem uma história interessante sobre o feicebuque. Na foto da capa da Rolling Stone aparece a assinatura de John Hancock na Declaração de Independência; um erro. Como saída airosa alguém lhe deu a ideia de dizer que essa assinatura aparece simplesmente porque já lá estava! Pela graça, resolveu publicar uma foto de quando era bebé com a dita assinatura tatuada.

Thursday, August 14, 2014


A indústria fotográfica sempre pensou que as pessoas queriam fotografar o mundo à sua volta.
Que pense melhor.

Anúncio portugueses

A minha localização

Oliver Sacks

Monday, August 11, 2014


 ".....e as batidas do meu coração tornavam-se, de minuto a
minuto, mais dolorosas porque eu aumentava a minha inquietação, impondo-me uma calma que era a aceitação do meu infortúnio."


Monday, August 4, 2014

Realidade: nada mais inacreditável (se não acreditam falem com um físico quântico)

 Sorry, no links. I'm sure you'll understand.

OK, if you insist. At your own risk.
O maior império do mundo foi o de Kublai Khan, neto de Genghis Khan.
O homem mais valioso do mundo deve ter sido:

 Atahualpa’s ransom was a great fortune: it added up to some 13 000 pounds (5,8 toneladas) of gold and twice that much silver

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Podia-me ter dado para pior

Poluição luminosa: uma clara evidência do quão estúpidas são as pessoas.

Saturday, August 2, 2014


Leonard: Fine. I’m not sure you should have quit. But if you care so much what I think, why didn’t you ask me before you did it?
Penny: Oh, so now I need your permission? Would you have asked me before you quit your job?
Leonard: Yes. I thought we were in the kind of relationship where we make decisions together. If I’m wrong, then maybe we need to talk about the kind of relationship we’re actually in.
Penny: Yeah, well, maybe we do.
Sheldon: I’m willing to if you guys are.
Leonard: Can we please have some privacy?
Sheldon: Y, No. I’m as much a part of this relationship as you two, and I think it’s high time we put all our cards on the table. For example, where is this going? Are you two ever getting married? And, if so, where will we all live? Have you thought about that?
Leonard: No.
Sheldon: Penny?
Penny: Okay, wait. What are we doing?
Leonard: For some reason, we’re planning a future where we both live with Sheldon forever.
Sheldon: Good. Now we’re getting somew here.

Motivational poster

Friday, August 1, 2014


Israel should buy some land in Africa and move. (unless total annihilation of muslims is considered viable)

in some youtube video about Jews X muslims issue.


Surpresa é que no tempo em que todos têm Internet, televisão e escolaridade obrigatória haja cada vez mais analfabetos.

Todos os dias penso em recolher pérolas destas mas a enormidade da empreitada faz-me desisitir. Fiquemo-nos pelo inexplicável.