Thursday, August 31, 2023

Monday, August 28, 2023

não há orquídeas on se dão silvas

 William James Sidis (1898–1944) was an American child prodigy with exceptional mathematical and linguistic abilities. He gained significant attention for his extraordinary intelligence and accomplishments at a young age. Some sources have referred to him as one of the smartest individuals in history.

Sidis reportedly had a remarkable memory and displayed advanced mathematical skills by the age of 8. He entered Harvard University at the age of 11, becoming one of the youngest students ever to attend the institution. He graduated with a bachelor's degree at 16.

Sidis's linguistic abilities were also notable. He reportedly had a deep interest in languages and could quickly learn and speak multiple languages fluently. His IQ has been estimated to be very high, though the exact value is often debated due to the limitations of IQ testing during his time.

Despite his early successes, Sidis's adult life was marked by challenges. He often faced difficulties in finding suitable employment and struggled with social interactions. He also had a strained relationship with the media, which led him to seek a more private life. He wrote extensively, particularly on topics related to politics, but he did not achieve the same level of recognition in adulthood as he did in his youth.

While Sidis's intelligence and accomplishments are well-documented, his life story is complex, and his legacy is a mix of admiration for his brilliance and reflection on the challenges he faced. He serves as a reminder that intelligence alone does not necessarily guarantee a smooth and fulfilling life journey.

Definition of shame


Marilyn vos Savant


 como sempre, uma trapalhada

Russia-Ukraine conflict, losses reported - Google Search

Sunday, August 27, 2023


4:10 not "moderating influence". It's "keeping the herd satisfied* and controlled".

4:25 when you provide a simple and clearly valid argument and it is received with derision, then you know your talking to a savage. _ * apparently people just can't leave without engaging in some kind of "religious delusion". Being it a gold calf, being it the kim family... either that or drugs. screaming lunatically, like monkeys, in a sports arena is the very least.

Bob Mortimor

A discursar num casamento. A noiva está grávida.

"It's lovely to see them together.
The bride's legs, that is."

A família da noiva abandonou a festa :-)

Saturday, August 26, 2023




Friday, August 25, 2023


Spoonerisms and malapropisms are both types of linguistic errors involving the substitution of words or sounds, but they occur in slightly different ways. Here's a breakdown of the differences between the two, along with examples:


A spoonerism is a type of error in which the initial sounds or letters of two words are swapped to create a new, unintended phrase. This often results in a humorous or nonsensical outcome. The term "spoonerism" is named after Reverend William Archibald Spooner, who was known for making such errors.

Examples of spoonerisms:

Original Phrase: "You have hissed all my mystery lectures." Spoonerized Version: "You have missed all my history lectures."

Original Phrase: "Three cheers for our queer old dean!" Spoonerized Version: "Three dears for our queer old queen!"

Original Phrase: "Is the bean dizzy?" Spoonerized Version: "Is the dean busy?"


A malapropism is a type of error in which a word is replaced with a similar-sounding word, but the resulting phrase is often nonsensical or unintentionally amusing due to the incorrect word choice. Malapropisms are usually characterized by the misuse of words that are similar in sound but have different meanings.

Examples of malapropisms:

Original Word: "sacred" Malapropism: "scared" Example: "The team played with scared determination."

Original Word: "prostate" Malapropism: "prostrate" Example: "He was lying prostrate on the beach."

Original Word: "allegory" Malapropism: "alligator" Example: "The book is an alligator for the complexities of life."

Key Differences:

Sound Swap vs. Sound Similarity: In spoonerisms, the initial sounds or letters of words are swapped, leading to a rearranged phrase. In malapropisms, the incorrect word is chosen due to its sound similarity to the intended word.

Nonsensical Outcome vs. Similar Sounding but Inaccurate Word: Spoonerisms often create phrases that are nonsensical or humorous due to the swapped sounds. Malapropisms result in phrases that sound plausible but are semantically incorrect due to the use of a word with a similar sound.

Origin of Errors: Spoonerisms are often associated with slips of the tongue or speech errors, whereas malapropisms typically arise from confusion between words that sound alike.

Both spoonerisms and malapropisms can be sources of humor and are often used in literature, comedy, and casual conversation to add a playful twist or highlight language quirks.

no facebook português: "comentários sem anexo"

the catholic drunk pirate curses

 By the semen of Christ!

Borborites - Wikipedia

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

nunca mais chega

11. Pension

Sempre por um fio

 Footage Recalls the Night Madison Square Garden Filled With Nazis | Smart News| Smithsonian Magazine

Friday, August 18, 2023

Sunday, August 13, 2023

palavras que sempre não se conseguem dizer à primeira

 e nos fazem pensar em alzheimer ou avc's.

eu escrevia aqui as minhas mas não me lembro :-)

(caderno de Pessoa)
bn-acpc-e-e3-144j_0000_capa-capa_t24-C-R0150.pdf (

Friday, August 11, 2023

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Monday, August 7, 2023


 há 21 na fila!

acho que sei o que é: está a haver atrasos no Mbway e o saldo - que sempre aparece instantâneamente - está a demorar...

Eu, com o sol - que tem as máquinas que não dão nada - não me preocupo nada. Confiança total. É na verdade a única razão que me faz continuar a jogar no Sol: funciona 100%.

Again: têm as máquinas nos mínimos dos mínimos. Noutro país qualquer de gente menos masoquista, íam à falência em 3 meses. Como devia ser.

Mas o mais importante é puderem fazer o que lhes apetece sem nenhuma "Autoridade" dizer nada... 
Nós julgamos que a "Autoriadde" é para regular mas não é. É para ganhar dinheiro e mais nada. Absolutamente mais nada.

Saturday, August 5, 2023


Que se pode dizer de um dicionarista que usa palavras que não constam do seu próprio dicionário na definição de outras?


s. m. || (Trás-M.) borra-botas, sarrafaçal, sefardana.

Não foi encontrado o verbete "sarrafal"
Não foi encontrado o verbete "sefardana". 

chiça penico

Não foi encontrado o verbete "chiça".


Friday, August 4, 2023