Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Apelles de Cós

Ultracrepidários e ultracrepidárias por todo o lado!

(Só para ver se aparece o link em "esta palavra em blogues" no Priberam)

Uma útil palavra que devia ter muito mais uso. Muito mais.

Um sapateiro arrogante; Alexandre, o grande, era romântico; e a Ignorância e a Suspeita a susurrarem aos ouvidos dos eternos trumpes:

ne supra crepidam sutor iudicaret

Pliny relates several anecdotes about Apelles (late fourth century BC), who would place his pictures in view of the public and, standing out of sight, listen to what was said.
Once, when a shoemaker faulted Apelles for drawing a sandal with one loop too few, he rectified it. But, when the shoemaker then found fault with the subject's leg, Apelles looked out from behind the picture and rebuked him, saying that a shoemaker should not go beyond his sandal (
Ne supra crepidam sutor judicaret)

Although several were taken to Rome, and it is claimed that at least one survived as a copy in the ruins of Pompeii (above), all that remains of Apelles’ works are the textual descriptions in classical writings. 


"Seeing the beauty of the nude portrait, Alexander saw that the artist appreciated Campaspe more than he. And so Alexander kept the portrait, but presented Campaspe to Apelles."

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